About Us

We Care For Your Loved Ones

Compassionate Care of Kansas City is an agency contracted through the Department of Mental Health to provide services to the developmentally disabled individuals in their private homes. Our caregivers strive to create a positive environment for the individuals we serve.


Our mission is to encourage, support, and create communities in which all citizens have valued roles, are treated with respect and dignity, and are appreciated for their contributions. We strive to create a community that is linked together in mutuality and independence.


The individuals that we serve will receive assistance and achievement of personal goals and the development of skills. We provide the supports necessary to help individuals achieve the most satisfying life possible, in the least restrictive environment. Personal rights will be taught, respected, and advocated for, and these rights will be exercised. We will promote dignity, independence, and empower the whole person, individual relationships with family and friends will be encouraged and supported. We believe that:


  • Everyone should be allowed the dignity of risk.
  • People have the right to become productive, independent mainstream citizens, whose lifestyles reflect cultural preferences and who live in a comfortable, stable environment.
  • Individuals with developmental disabilities have the same hopes, aspirations, feelings, desires, experiences, successes, and failures as other people.
  • Honest communication is the essential key to all success.
  • Everyone is entitled to tolerance, compassion, acceptance, independence, interdependence, and the right to be viewed as ordinary citizens.
  • Family and friends are essential to personal development, happiness, and survival.
  • Everyone has the right to demand and expect to be healthy and feel safe in the environment in which they live.
  • The rights for all people should be revered, fought for, advocated, taught, and never taken for granted.